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Saturday, March 09, 2002

What a day!! What a boring day!
My mum tells me that only people with no intelligence get bored. Well just call me dumb for today then.
What did I do? Went into town and couldnt resist a sale. I had to get these PJ pants. So comfy!!!
Then I came home and lounged the entire day! Slept and read and slept some more. And I didnt even feel to blog (gasp)
Now Im disgruntled.
I feel like my life is lacking something......
Well at least Rick Dees is coming on later. i'll have something to do for a few hours then.
OK later.
Dont you just love "Underneath Your Clothes" by Shakira
I do.
Oh My

Ade Kinch from URL @ 6:06 PM

Friday, March 08, 2002

Back again.
Today was really interesting. I got to see a post mortem carried out on a dolphin! Flipper's guts and liver, blow hole, everything were all over the place. Very interesting! There were even parasites in the liver and stomach! Its good that all this Parasitology Im trying to learn can be applied. Nice worms... The poor thing was bitten by a shark and beached off the West coast of Trinidad. They couldn't save it. Cuh dear.
Also I got my K Block baby T today. MIDDLE K!!! Maybe I will have a pic to show some time later. Just a bunch of hot girls living in one flat.:) It's really not fair to put us all together...the good looks shoulda been more evenly distributed throughout the Hall! Oh well.
Life isnt fair is it:)
The electricity was off all day! So I couldnt come on earlier. Plus I had to shower in freezing cold water this morning. NOT GOOD! Brrrr. No computer....One must never take technology forgranted. It wasnt so bad though. I had my romance novel to read. I swear I dont know why I read those things. Theyre ALL a variation of the same plot. Boy meets girl, they're both attracted to each other BUT girl plays hard to get. Girl comes to her senses and they live happily ever after. But I love them anyways. Especially when theyre set in some historical era. Men were very gentlemanly then.
Whats the issue with this Oops song?? Nasty freaky girl! tsk tsk. >:)
maybe more later. I always have lots of things on my mind to share.

Ade Kinch from URL @ 4:02 PM

Back again. Im beginning to think this thing is addictive. Maybe it is....
But Im recording all these things so I can come back later and have some Kix!
Club Coconuts was definitely the place to be tonight. I had a great time....well for about 30 mins. But its better than being in my room on the internet. I think....well maybe; maybe not. They were playing some great reggae tonght. So much dibbiness. And I didnt disappoint. Danced up a storm...all alone, mind you, but it better that way some times!
Now it's three hours later and my ears are ringing and im a little "happier" than when i left and the frigging Pharmacology lab still isnt done.
What the hell is my issue??
But my bed is very much calling me. Ihope I make it to my 8 o clock....
there should be a law against 8 o clock classes...grumble!
off to bed.
well today.
back to killing kittens
I love Fridays!

Ade Kinch from URL @ 2:42 AM

Thursday, March 07, 2002

As you can see, my urge to blog is quite strong today. Blog...i wonder which bozo thought up that word. Blog. How silly.
Isnt it amazing how quickly your day can change? One second you can be happy and then something insignificant happens and you're all angry and upset. Well that happened to me today. I that normal? Maybe it only happens to fickle folk. It's quite a terrible feeling.
Today I missed my 8 o' clock class. I'm having serious issues with waking up at 7 EVERY FREAKING DAY!...especially when i spend the night chatting online. But Im going to be good tonight. Tonight is the beginning of the rest of my life...right?
So that means I have to get off the internet and go do my Pharmacology Lab. I hate those things!
I need to stop hating school and embrace the fact that im stuck in this dreadful institution for the next 3 and a half years! With that said Im going off...Im probably not going offline right now. MSN calls!
More later

Ade Kinch from URL @ 9:23 PM

So.... the whole blog thing is for my entertainment. I cant really imagine that many people will be rushing to check up on my life. Im a bit bored here and this seems like some entertainment. I dont think I have time to be bored but i manage to do it anyways.
I'll probably publish more than once a day ( as you can see) since Im online with nothing to do quite often. I'll just do this til i get sick of it and move onto something else. Knowing my attention span that shouldnt take too long. to do some studying. Who needs this school thing??? I dont!
More later...I promise

Ade Kinch from URL @ 11:08 AM

ALright. Before i go getting excited.
I think I lost 2 posts already. As I said before but you probably didnt see....they need a book "Blogging For Dummies" for regular Folk like myself.
Maybe it will show up. OK. I wont do anything further until I figure this thing out!
No need to look idiotic on the net.
Its working now. Now for the proper introductory post

Ade Kinch from URL @ 11:02 AM

I got it!
I finally got it!
well I dont know if i have it but i have something. I just found the post button. And all that was needed was a bit of observation.
OK...lets see if this will work

Ade Kinch from URL @ 10:58 AM

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