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Change Is Good

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Zen Master - Mission Complete: Groove Thing Shaken
So I finally made it to Club Zen - the new uber chic, super large and tricked out partying spot in Trinidad. Consider Xtreme times 4 and thats kinda how it is.
So a friend of mine got me on some list where I didnt have to pay to get in. Thank God for that because I wasnt about paying 80TT to then have to buy over priced drinks.

When I reached there were soo many gorgeous people. Trinidad is such a humbling place. No matter how hot you think you look when you leave home there are at least 200 women that look times better then you.

We were standing next to George Bovell. I had a major groupie moment. He is SO HOT! And he was just there standing all alone.

I wonder what it would take for a guy like that to notice a girl like me. I want to marry him and have his mixed up babies.

But anyways... I went and I partied hard for 4 hours straight. It was the most fun Ive had in a long time.
now for some studying

Ade from homepage @ 3:26:00 PM

Thursday, March 31, 2005

I Think Im About To Freak The Hell Out

I finally got my butt in the library and Ive been studying non stop for the past two hours. This is an incredible feat for one with an attention span of a 5 year old. Two hours... one hand out. 20 more to go. What the hell.... This is impossible.

This is why studying is pointless. Trying to commit facts to memory that are meaningless until you actually put them to work in a practical situation.
I might NEVER see a case of Equine Infectious Arteritis.


Live Strong

You can interpret that phrase in so many ways. I like the thought of it. The idea of standing up for what you know is right and what you know you deserve. Of living your life with integrity. Of having a principle and sticking to it no matter what. Of being the strongest and the best that you can be in whatever you decide to do.

I like that phrase alot... It says so much without saying too much at all.

And I think that every day, with every mistake and every challenge I'm learning more and more what it means.

I blog so much because I have alot to say
live strong folks

Ade from homepage @ 4:28:00 PM

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Euthanasia and Living Wills
Vets have to put animals down all the time. Mostly its for the right reasons...end stage cancer or other untreatable ailments that are deemd too painful or discomforting to the animal. At other times vets have to do it for the wrong reasons.... one guy said he didnt want a three legged dog, owner cant afford the treatment (i understand the latter because a dog isnt a baby or anything).
But I think the option should be given to humans with terminal disease who are enduring excruciating pain or are put in a situation where their quality of life is much lower than they feel they can endure. Why should the Shiavo lady have to die by dehydration? Even though shes not supposed to be in any discomfort its cruelty to the human body. Just overdose her with some morphine or some anaesthetic or something and let her die peacefully in her sleep.
I guess theres a religious aspect to the whole thing. Suicide being a super big sin and all that. But I think God would understand.

Personally just let me OD and call that George. I dont want to live my life confined to a bed or on a respirator or feeding tube. I dont want to be a burden to my family or my husband or my children. Its admirable that people wait years for their loved ones to come out of comas.... but not for me. Coma for a month.... no sign of ever coming out of it... just end my life and let my loved ones mourn me properly instead of holding out hope for something that might never come to fruition.

thats my opinion.

Adult ADD
I have it. Ive self diagnosed. I did the screening test and everything and they say i might have it. Now for some Stratera.
Wouldnt it be great if I could pop a pill that would make me want to study? Imagine ALL of my friends are driven and ambitious and motivated. Im the only bum. So much for birds of a feather:)
off to try ONE MORE TIME to do this studying thing.
Im like Don Music from Sesame Street banging my head against the piano called life...
I'm never going to get it... never!


this is exactly how I feel.

im so melodramatic


Ade from homepage @ 10:58:00 PM

Freak Show
So Im back to going to the cinema by myself...well im back to doing just about everything myself and I dont mind it too much.

I digress...

so im in the cinema, its pitch black but i manage to get an entire row to myself. no one in the row in front and no one in the row behind.

A little ways into the movie this man comes in and sits one seat away from me.

Im thinking wtf.

But then i say its really dark maybe he didnt see me there.

So im all engrossed in the movie but in my peripheral vision i see mr. man shifting alot... im thinking oh hell no

For a long time I try to ignore it but after a while I have to look. This guy is caressing himself one seat away from me. Im totally repulsed and my first instinct is to get up and leave.

But then I get sooo pissed off. Here I am minding my own business and this prick is making me uncomfortable. I was there first. He should be the one leaving not me. I mean if you want to rub your stuff in the cinema go right ahead but dont do it next to me.

Well anyways so I finished off the movie. Surprisingly the pervert made me more mad than anything else. When intermission came I asked him to move from next to me.

He refused and i got a vision of me leaving the cinema after it was dark and creepo following me home.... so i let it slide. I didnt want to be on the front page of the Express. So I moved.

But the point is why should I feel ashamed when he is the one with the issue?

And why cant a woman go to a cinema on her own without some kinda crap happening. I know that if i was there with a guy he wouldnt have pulled that crap. Makes me want to beat the shit out of somebody.

If only i could fight...lol

but thats my story.

tomorrow... my views on human euthanasia


Ade from homepage @ 3:55:00 AM

email me
for those who care how my day went

shea - like the butter
govie pooh

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