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Change Is Good

Saturday, June 11, 2005

My First Aerobics Class
Ive been good with getting my fat ass and thick thighs to the gym. I love my figure right now I just want a smaller version to it.
why?" You say. Is this an example of the self-hate that has been foisted upon so many young women of my generation?

Not really. I just want to be able to go into a store and find a pair of jeans that fits nicely.

I digress.

So aerobics. I havent been to a class since the days of mandatory aerobics with Mrs. Carter. Lets just say the white in me came out. I think I did pretty well on a whole but at one point I was wondering where my rhythym and co-ordination went. All the while a 69 year old granny with some toned as hell legs was showing me up. But the class was great. Its much better than toiling away on a boring elliptical machine watching the seconds tick away.

woman on woman hate crimes
i got involved in some drama tonight. women, we need not let men poison our minds against each other. i really want to make peace. all this back biting and bad talking... its bad for my chi. So if I hear there is supposed bad blood between me and you expect a conversation when i see you. Im a grown ass woman (some/most of the time) and such things are to be left to the children. And if you have problems with me please dont pretend, come cuss me out or talk it over. As govie says, there is nothing worse than a hypocrite.

lving my life like its golden

rolling with the punches

Ade from homepage @ 6:47:00 AM

Thursday, June 09, 2005

The Honeymoon Is Officially Over
I have a serious love-hate relationship with being at home.
wouldnt it be nice to look forward to something with certainty without feeling like the floor is going to fall from under you any given moment.
It has to be me.

i dont care what anyone says, anticipation breeds disappointment.

And bugger off anyone who says Im a pessimist.a half full glass is my reality.
but things could definitely be worse. so i will try not to complain anymore.

Ade from homepage @ 11:11:00 PM

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Peace and Pilates
I couldnt ask for a better start to my vacation. The Nut and I have been to the gym (two days so far). After that I sleep til my heart's content and wake up just in time to play with the rugrats when they get home from school.
Today we did a Pilates class. Talk about torture. But it felt soo good. the instructor is this French Bajan lady and even though she pushes hard shes understanding and motivating. I cant wait to do another class.

I havent called anyone since I got in. It might seem uncaring but Im just enjoying my family time for a few days before I start the socialising.

ooh i ache.

Ade from homepage @ 9:23:00 PM

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

First Things First
Im home:D the babies are great and life is grand.

The oath taking ceremony went well. The speeches were interesting, the food was good and I found out some stuff that made my night. I did better than ever in my final year and I made a good impression on a couple folks so I think I ended off my school career well. And even though I got ready in 20 mins (hair and all) I think I did ok in that department. Pics later.
Oh yeah and the most important thing of the night... I promised to be a super vet for the rest of my life. I cant wait.
But first... Crop Over

Ade from homepage @ 2:23:00 AM

email me
for those who care how my day went

shea - like the butter
govie pooh

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